Monday, January 17, 2011



This tutorial was made by me with taking some pictures from another forum :)
Step 1: Download the Greenpois0n from (if you think this link is infected search google for greenpois0n and download it )

Step 2: Extract and run greenpois0n,then plug in your Apple item.

Step 3: Turn your apple item off.
[Image: powerOff.png]

[color=#FF1493]Step 4: Press “Prepare to Jailbreak (DFU)” button in greenpois0n, you will be guided by Greenpois0n on how to perform next steps.
[Image: greenpois0n-jailbreak-how-to-02.jpg]
Step 5: Follow the steps (try being exact),Once you’re in DFU mode, click the ‘Jailbreak!’ button to jailbreak your iPhone.
[Image: greenpois0n-jailbreak-how-to-04.jpg]

Step 6: Now, just wait until the status bar shows complete, and your device will reboot to the home screen.

[/color]Step 7: You should now have a new “Loader” icon on your springboard. Launch Loader. Select Cydia > Install Cydia.

Step 8: One Cydia has successfully been installed, you will be asked if you want to remove Loader. Hit “Remove” and you iPhone will automatically reboot.You will obtain a "Cydia" icon.
[Image: cydia-crashing-problem.jpg]

[size=large][color=#800]It is JailBreaked :) know lets work on cydia:

[size=medium][/color][color=#0000CD]-Start “Cydia” on your iPhone.

-Touch on “Manage” tab on the bottom.

-Now touch on “Sources”

-Touch on “Edit” and then on “Add”. You will be prompted to enter a url source as seen in the screenshot below. Type “” and touch on“Add Source” .

-Know Go and search for "Appsync" and select your version , I used for my Iphone "Appsync for 4.1 os"
[Image: AppSync-4.1.jpg]

-Know Go to itunes on your computer (you should have the apple item ex: iphone plugged into the pc), and download any application , then sync it into your Iphone.

-We are nearly done Yeye,Open cydia and search for Installous 3 (Note : don't choose Install0us the one with "0")
[Image: Installous-Cydia.jpg]

- Open Installous and start downloading apps. YeyePirate
[Image: installous3-usage-001.PNG]



Hi friends
same kind of post was shared before in Computer Tips and Tricks group on FB and My page earlier.. but sharing it again as i m gathering all my posts in a single place here..  Here i will post some cool java tricks... copy the scripts in adress bar (plae where u type ) and hit ENTER..
1)This piece of code pulls off all the images from your web page and rotates them in a circle. Really makes any page go naked (without its images). The best place to test is a website with many images. (Google Images for an example)
javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.getElementsByTagName("img"); DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i-DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=(Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5)+"px";*y1+i*y2+y3)*y4+y5)+"px"}R++}setInterval('A()',5); void(0);

2) This code lets you edit any page/website in real-time. With Firefox, you can even edit and save the modified pages to your computer. a nice one.. i love this
javascript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0

3) There are times when you are not sure that the website that you are visiting is authentic. Use this code whenever in doubt :-
Copy the code from here and paste into browsers address bar..

javascript:alert("The actual URL is: " + location.protocol + "//" + location.hostname + "/" + " The address URL is: " + location.href + " " + " If the server names do not match, this may be a spoof.");

4) Shake the Browser...
How about shaking the internet browser window?
Copy paste the code on the browser's address bar and press enter...

javascript:function Shw(n) {if (self.moveBy) {for (i = 35; i > 0; i--) {for (j = n; j > 0; j--) {self.moveBy(1,i) ;self.moveBy(i,0);self.moveBy(0,-i);self.moveBy(-i,0); } } }} Shw(6)

5) And finally Try this one :)
javascript:function reverse() { var inp = " (; xnaht yas ot tegrof tnoD ,skcoR diawaJ namialuS
...yad lufrednow a evaH "; var outp = ""; for (i = 0; i <= inp.length ; i++) { outp = inp.charAt (i) + outp ; } alert(outp) ;}; reverse();

I'm Feeling Lucky - Google Tricks

Hi all Readers
Google is no 1 website of the world being used. We always had seen a I'm Feeling Lucky Button just with the search button. Ever thought why is it there. Okay whetever the purpose is. Have u ever thought of kinda fun with google.. 
Here i m sharing few phrases and keywords wihth you people. All what u have to do is Copy the phrase or word, Paste is in google search bar and Hit I M FEELING LUCKY button. Just give it try and then dont forget to leave comments here ;)
below are some tricks that I found through searching, also remember that some of the tricks may not always there :

Google gravity:
 Type on the google search box “google gravity” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button. The new page will appear, just wait a couple seconds and you will see all of the google letters will fall down.

Google sphere:
Type on the google search box “google sphere” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button. The new page will appear, just wait a couple seconds and you will see google and all the letters will collapse and flying.

Google reverse/mirror:
Type on the google search box “google reverse” or “elgoog” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button.

Epic Google:
Type on the google search box “google epic” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button.

Rainbow google:
Type on the google search box “google rainbow” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button. 

Google loco:
Type on the google search box “google loco” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button. You’ll see another alternative Google pages where the Google title become “Google Loco” and every letter will jumping.

Annoying Google:
Type on the google search box “annoying google” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button.

Google game :
Type on the google search box “google pacman” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button. 

Google Easter Eegs:
Type on the google search box “google easter eegs” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button. You’ll see google homepage with easter themes and you can play the “bunny easter eggs”.

Google Magic:
Go to this link: and you will see fake Google homepage, if you click anywhere on the blank page background you will see the “oo” in the middle of “Google” letter will disappear. If you click again anywhere on the blank page background the “oo” letter will appear and so on.

Own Your google Search Engine:
Want to own your Google search engine or maybe Yahoo!? Then go to . At this link you can create any search engine they provide and create the search engine logo with any name or title you want.

Google chuck Norris:
Type on the google search box “google chuck Norris” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button. 

Google who’s the cutest:
Type on the google search box “who’s the cutest” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button then see what happen.hold on.. Now the fun part, on the right bottom there is a PIE symbol.. CLICK it.. NOTE : MINORS  and GIRLS Stay away :P :D.. Urghhh :S sorry fo making nasty :S :D

Google gothic:
Type on the google search box “google gothic” and press the “I’m feeling lucky” button.

Now u know how to do it so just sharing Texts to copy with you people..

Google Mew : type “ ewmew fudd” :

Google Hacker: type “google hacker” or “google 133t”

Google Klingon: type  “google klingon”

Google Piglatin: type “google piglatin”

Google Bork: type “google bork”

Google Pirate: type “google pirate”

Google Chav: type “google chav”

How To Use USB Flash Drives As A RAM

 Hi All Readers
Today I am Gonna post a trick for Using your USB storage device as RAM can be one of the best alternative for your real RAM.

For this u need eboostr(Google It u can find it Easily)
or u can use any other Install it with default settings.

1) After installation, it is compulsary to reboot your computer.

2) Insert your USB flash drive first then open eBoostr from start menu.

3) In the program window, go to Edit > Add new cache device

[Image: 72661037.png]

You’ll see your USB disk at the left screen. Select it and click ok.

[Image: 20781208.png]

Then start caching the memory in your USB drive.

Alternatively, you can also click on Autoconfiguration button. Program will diagnose your system. After the diagnose is ended, click next. Choose all the recommended option to increase your system performance and click Next

[Image: 35165517.png]

NOTE: This software requires USB device more than 256 MB.
It stores the current memory as a cache in your USB device. Eboostr stores cache of your frequently used applications on your USBFlash drive. It will help to reduce the Hard Disk access which is comparatively slower as compared to access in chips. Since hard disk requiers motor to rotate the disks, it will also consume a lot of your battery.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Turn your Windows 7 laptop into a Wireless Router.

Hi Friends
So Today shairng this Tutorial to turn your Windows 7 laptop into a Wireless router. No other Hardware required. SO here we go..

follow the link and dont forget to say thanx :P Lolx



Have a nice day :)

Access Internet From Mobile Using Computers Internet Connection

Hi All

Yes, you read it right. I am not talking about using mobile to access internet on your PC. Its the opposite I am demonstrating here. So you will be able to use FREE internet on mobile. Of course, you may need to pay for internet service you use already on PC.
Now as with most mobile hacks, this is limited to symbian mobiles which includes almost all Nokia Series60 and Many Sony Ericsson phones.

This one is really better as its FREE and speed is much better than what GPRS ever offered!


We normally connect PC and Mobile for file transfer and data synchronization. One step ahead, we use GPRS on mobile to connect internet on PC side. All these means, two devices can connect to each other and share Internet. Only remaining possibility left to check was, can mobile dial/use/access internet on PC?

And here is the solution which will work for sure but may need some efforts…

1) A PC with internet connection. OS does not matter. Also it doesn’t matter how you connect to internet from PC.

2) A symbian handset with GnuBox – a free and open-source tool which will do thing on your handset.
3) mRouter to do things on PC side. Its optional but can save your lots of time. You can manually handle
Now first requirement is obvious, lets take care of the remaining too…

~~~ Preparing PC side…~~~
#using mRouter (Windows only)

Windows user can download mRouter (link ).
Then install it on your PC and restart the machine.

Next you need to configure mRouter which is quick & easy. Tam Hanna explained it very well here.

=== Preparing Mobile side using GnuBox ===

GnuBox have a dedicated page here. Do not forget to check it, as it have…

Thats it. I know it sounds a lot of work! But its worth it… 

I have done this on Nokia N70 and using mRouter on Windows XP machine. So I am quite sure it will work. Still if you stuck somewhere feel free to comment… 


How to get money from a pay phone

Hi members
Today i m gonna post a trick about.. yea you read it..
How to get money from payphone..

Payphones where people use to call through coins.. obviously u can find em everywhere.
For the phone providers it is obviously dificult to keep track of keys of every payphone so they put a security key, Through which it can release money..

follow the simple and Easy steps.

Step 1 : Approach The Phone And Pick It Up

Step 2 : Dial The Following 32 Digit Code ( 24998-24001-29190-90467-59718-7429-087 )

Step 3 : Hang Up

Step 4 : Press The Coin Release Button

Step 5 : Have Fun WIth A Few Bucks

Remmeber one thing: It is Stealing and stealing is a crime.. u can get in trouble if caught doing so. porpose of posting this for open public
1) You may know the security bug.
2) Now adays as because of cell phones payphonces dont have much money its better to stay safe instead of trying the risk for just $5 or few Rupees (You will be lucky if u got this much) :P this bug works since 90s that time it was considered much benificial but might not work for many phones these days as if provider has diferent policy.

